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Archlord Hispano goes English
NilaFecha: Wednesday, 2011 February 09, 11:59 PM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: Administrators
Mensajes: 199
Estatus: Offline
Finally !! We're happy to announce that Archlord Hispano now has a little brother in English, Archlord Hispano English.

The page was created to give all the non-Spanish speakers that visit this fansite an opportunity to stay updated with all Archlord Asian news and all the new upcoming releases, as well as all Webzen news and events.

Archlord Hispano English is still a baby eeh the page will be updated every week with guides for everybody to check all game-related information.

Even though "Guides" section is still under construction, there are two sections are now available for those who want to know more about the latest releases, a short preview of the Battle Royal area and a list with all the new Heroic Skills debuffs jojo

Enjoy bai

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