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ArchLord Chronicle
NilaFecha: Saturday, 2011 March 12, 6:41 AM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: Administrators
Mensajes: 199
Estatus: Offline
Recently, Korea-based Webzen has officially announced its new titles to be released in 2011, including Xenocide: ArchLord Chronicle, and MU Online 2 as well as Project A2 based on Unreal Engine 3.

Xenocide: ArchLord Chronicle is a series evolved from ArchLord which's being operated by Webzen currently, and is set in the time background 100 years after that of ArchLord. The game is scheduled to enter the market in the first half of this year. Set in a different world, Xenocide: ArchLord Chronicle is also considered as a title separated from ArchLord in terms of development, and will be operated with its own particular name in the future.

As Webzen pointed out, the brand-new game Xenocide: ArchLord Chronicle takes "Xenocide"as its core storyline, and depicts the racial struggle between Human and Orc. Greatly different from ArchLord no matter in the characters or art style, Xenocide: ArchLord Chronicle is slated for CBT and operation in the first half of 2011.

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