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Apply for Training Server Deployment
NilaFecha: Thursday, 2011 June 09, 4:59 PM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: Administrators
Mensajes: 199
Estatus: Offline

Also remember:

Character Transfer Request Level (Revised)


We would like to inform our Warrior Training Server Trainees that we have decided to down the application level from 80 to 60. So,if the trainee has reach level 60 they could request a character transfer from the warrior training server to Gracia or Archon. This decision was made to recognize the trainees’ hard effort and give more players an opportunity to transfer to a place with more excitement and higher population. Please notice that all Training Server information will be deleted after June 15, 2011 GST.


- You cannot request a transfer after June 13, 2011 GST

- You could request the character transfer only through the Character Transfer Event Page.
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