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Siege Warfare Renewal Information
NilaFecha: Tuesday, 2011 June 21, 9:38 AM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: Administrators
Mensajes: 199
Estatus: Offline
Siege Renewal Details

■ Registration Logic

The first 30 guilds to register will be selected and participate in order of registration.

There will be no other conditions needed but the basal condition.

Basal Condition

- Guild must be organized at least 14 days or more

- Guild must hold more than 20 members or more


* Apply for the Siege is available right after the previous Siege war ends.

■ New Route to Join Archlord Final Battle

Participants are not needed to pass through the Secret Dungeon to participate in the Archlord Final Battle. You can take portal to Rensphere by clicking on the Archon NPC, which is next to the secret dungeon portal.


- Participants will have 10 minutes to move to Rensphere castle after the final battle begins.

- Participants will not be able to attack the castle gate during the first 10 minutes of battle.

- After 10 minutes of the battle begins Archon NPC portal will no longer functional.

■ Archlord Secret Dungeon

The Archlord castle Secret Dungeons will not be used as a route to enter the Rensphere castle anymore. The function of the secret dungeon will be modified as a leveling area for castle owners. Other than the guild members of the castle are able to enter the secret dungeon except during the Archlord final battle hours. Please note that the secret dungeon monster also drops unique accessories.
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