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Application for Guild Master Meeting
NilaFecha: Wednesday, 2011 August 10, 1:59 PM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: Administrators
Mensajes: 199
Estatus: Offline
From Webzen

We would like to announce that we will have a meeting for Guild masters. The Guild Master Meeting will be opened for hearing Archlord users’ opinion directly and providing better Archlord support.
For efficient meeting, we will get apply for Guild Master Meeting and we will select 10 guild masters among applicants and invite to Guild master meeting. The attendees for meeting will be got contact personally and get information in detail from Archlord Support Team.
We hope that many guilds masters will be participated in this meeting.

[Date of Guild Master Meeting : August 18 GST]

1. Application period : August 12 ~ August 15 GST

2. Application method : Send e-mail to <archlord_support> with filling in application form
E-mail title : Apply for Guild Master Meeting

3. Guild Master Meeting Application form : You have to fill in below form correctly.
- World/Server
- Guild Name :
- Guild Master name :

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