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Compensation For Recent Unstable Network
NilaFecha: Friday, 2011 April 08, 12:37 PM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: Administrators
Mensajes: 199
Estatus: Offline
1. Period Chantra Item W Coin compensation

- Period: W Coin will be provided by April 18, 2011
- Recipient: Users who purchase period chantra item between March 30 ~ April 03, 2011 GST
- Compensation Coin W Coin ( C)

[ Compensation Period Chatra Item List ]

• Pet Feed
• Lucky Charm
• Costume Items
• Level Up Package
• Talisman of Awakening
• Talisman of Heavenly Luck

2. Experience Boost compensation

Period: April 08 00:00 ~ April 14, 2011 24:00 GST (7 days)
Recipient: All World and Server
Detail: 200% Experience / 200% Drop / 400% Gold Boost Up

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