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Maintenance Notice - 2/16/11
NilaFecha: Wednesday, 2011 February 16, 11:29 AM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: Administrators
Mensajes: 199
Estatus: Offline
◆ Time
February 16, 15:00 pm ~ 20:00 pm GST (5 hours)
※Please note that time is subject to change.

◆ Perform Tasks

▷ System maintenance and patch
▷ New Chantra item release
▷ Race Trumpet price adjustment
▷ Drayger castle tax collection error fixation
▷ DragonScion realm set armor stats modification.

■ Show Me Your Love Promotion
- Event monster will drop Cacao items

* The exchange number has decreased from 70 to 20 Chocolate of Affection

■ Archlord Crazy Camera Part 2 Event

- Archlord Official YouTube Channel Video Part 2 will be open

■ Join Now – Archlord Newbies Support Event

- Archlord Newbies Supportive event will be open

■ Adopt a New Pet Today Promotion

- Global & Japan Archlord Best Design Pet will be available

■ Event NPC Revision

- Supreme & Fresh Guild: Available for the winners of the Supreme & Fresh Guilds - January

* Click on the "Guild of the Month" button from the Event NPC menu to receive rewards.

- Recruit a Friend Event: Available for recruiter and recruitee who completed Recruit A Friend Promotion

* Click on the "Reward for Recruiter or Recruitee" button from the Event NPC .

- Join Now – Archlord Newbies Support Event : Available for the below level 50 characters.

* Click on the "Gold Blessing for Novice" button from the Event NPC menu to receive buffs and rewards.

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