1 - Do not post directly your fansite address, send a PM to any of the Administrators with the details requested below.
You do have to post to whom you have sent the PM, for example: PM sent to Admin 1
2 - Fansite form
1 - Name of Fansite.
2 - Link to fansite.
3 - Language of fansite.
4 - Brief description of fansite.
5 - Banner of fansite (try to make a unique one so it can be recognizable from the rest).
3 - Administrators will evaluate the fansite once they receive the information. Your fansite must be active and updated at least once per week.
If your request meet the requirements, you will receive a PM with the approval and confirmation of your fansite and will also receive our fansite info in exchange. You will have to add Archlord Hispano English banner to your fansite as well.
4 - Administrators will check from time to time the friend fansites to make sure they are still active and to see if exchange information is still online (AL Hispano English banner).
5 - You can link any material from this fansite, be sure to let Administrators know about your choice.