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Xenocide Archlord
NilaFecha: Friday, 2011 March 18, 9:11 AM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: Administrators
Mensajes: 199
Estatus: Offline

Webzen has recently unveiled some game content related to the core systems of its new online game Xenocide (temporary name).

The core systems in the game all keep running in 24 hours. The PvP battle system that allows multiple battles to take place simultaneously makes possible "SUI LINE Struggles", "Siege Wars" and "Absolute Lord Duels"etc. Meanwhile, the game furthers the extreme antagonism between races, and demonstrates stirring racial duels.

The 2 races including "Human" and "Orc" as well as 6 characters will debut in the game's first CBT set to launch this May, and the large-scale racial "SUI LINE Struggles" included in the core game content will also make its appearance then.

"SUI LINE Struggles"refer to the large-scale racial battles conducted in special areas. All related racial members are allowed to join such stimulating battles, so as to seize hold of corresponding areas. What's more, due to the 24-hour unrestricted assault settings, all the areas set with relevant area ownerships are expected to witness breathtaking battles.
"Siege Wars" which can be seen in most online games are actually guild battles based on races. Additionally, Xenocide's core battle content - "Absolute Lord Duels" will also be made public as scheduled.

All the fights and battles that Webzen presents based on racial duels go logically and naturally. The linear circulation deriving from related racial group activeness also pushes forward the development of all the game systems, which is what the game developers look forward to. Webzen will consider adjusting the game's operation schedule & game balance gradually and add some other racesapart from the existing two in the future.

According to Webzen, most of the game content to be made open in Xenocide's upcoming CBT has been finished, and things concerning the game operation like the class balance and safety will be further examined; besides the PvP fighting fun, more colorful gaming elements are worth experiencing; and they're also preparing to present players with more abundant game content

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